Welcome To Prestige Academy

Best On-line Learning Solution

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Our Latest On-line Modules

Let's Learn Vocab

Our grade appropriate vocabulary worksheets are randomly generated to allow students from K (basic words) to 12th (SAT levels words) to learn and improve their vocabulary skils 24/7. Every screen refresh brings a new set of 10 vocabulary words and matching definitions [to be sorted correctly by the student]. The module is also programmed to give instantaneous feedback as to whether each word and its corresponding definition is matched correctly or incorrectly. Also, the percentage of correct to incorrect answers will also be automatically calculated for tracking improvement.

Let's Go

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Make An Appointment For On-line Orientation

We are available virtually 24/7 to orient you and your child(ren) about the structure and organization of our on-line modules. We are more than happy to connect with you as your child(ren) journey from Kindergarten to the eventual college of his/her choice.

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We are conveniently located across from the Monterey Park US Postal Office

105 N. Huntington Ave.,

Monterey Park, CA 91754 USA


+1 626 288 6767


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